Poster Workshops
Want a workshop or class? Reach out!
Everyone should know how to articulate an opinion for general public broadcast.
Everyone should be able to cross the thresholds of inhibition or propriety and send a well crafted message based on personal opinion. Artists and designers should be some of the first in line to do so, given our training and motivations.
Everyone should be able to cross the thresholds of inhibition or propriety and send a well crafted message based on personal opinion. Artists and designers should be some of the first in line to do so, given our training and motivations.
There is a disconnect of creative practitioners from general societal discourse. I have my theories about this gap, but first I must take action. I have chosen to find ways to help my peers bridge this divide through my teaching practice. The obstacle is the way!
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In porttitor pellentesque sapien
Easy Lettering for Posters and Signs (PDF)
A Linguist Explains How to Write Protest Signs That Everyone Will Remember
Eastside Arts Alliance
Materials for Sign Making the Go High Way:
All links go to Dick Blick but you can find cheaper
- Markers
- Sponge Brushes
- Ink
- Poster Board
- Paper tubes for handles–these are great if you can stiffen the poster board with some backing cardboard
- Stapler for attaching signs to tubes
Alternative Materials that completely rock:
- Potatoes or other found objects for printing or painting
- Poster paint
- Food dye
- Cardboard
- Colored paper
- Insulation Foam for carving out letters
- Craft knife for cutting
- Glue Stick
- Spray paint (not great for the environment, but in a pinch it’s great)